

Noxa is a development club (average age 27) and a subsidiary of YoungCapital. YoungCapital is the parent company of StudentenWerk, StudentJob and YoungCapital Professionals, among others.

We are growing fast. Very fast. This is because we come up with razor-sharp solutions that continue to astonish our clients. To make us even smarter, accelerate our growth and make our clients even happier, we are looking for a talented DevOps engineer to help us with the further expansion and management of our IT infrastructure. The coming year, we plan to switch from Amazon Web Services to Google Cloud and a workflow based on Docker and Kubernetes.

Among other things, you will work with us on systems that are used to help more than 45,000 students a year to find work and get paid on time. Recruitment takes place via various websites. We currently have a database of almost 5 million candidates from various countries. As well as employment sites, we are also working on: salary processing software, planning systems, invoicing software, e-learning applications and competence software.

Among other things, this position involves:

  • Automation of processes currently carried out manually in relation to configuration management, using tools like Chef;
  • Management of the basic provisioning and deploy recipes for our developers;
  • Management of tools to perform monitoring, automated deployments and back-ups;
  • Making various applications deployable together with our developers;
  • Researching new techniques and giving shape to the new service provision;
  • Setting up and managing the monitoring of web applications.

  • Regular get-togethers with your team;
  • A personal training budget of € 1.000,- per year;
  • You can decide yourself what time you start or whether you work from home;
  • A delicious lunch and good coffee;
  • Gaming, table tennis and table football during working hours;
  • A Mac (Macbook or Macbook Pro) will be made available to you.

  • ​Experience with at least one of the following programming languages: Python, Ruby or PHP;
  • Experience with scripting languages, such as Bash or Perl;
  • Experience with GIT;
  • Experience with Docker, Kubernetes and Chef (prerequisite);
  • Experience with Debian or Ubuntu;
  • Experience with a Continuous Integration system;
  • Knowledge of Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud;
  • Knowledge of MySQL and ElasticSearch.

Who are we?

YoungCapital is a kickstarter for young talent in the business field. We link students, graduates and young professionals with employers. Young talent is the driver of innovation in business. That’s why we help young people to find their place and to conquer the labour market. We do this under the labels of: YoungCapital, StudentJob International and YoungCapital Professionals. With almost five million individuals in eight countries, our talent network is the largest in Europe. Our clients are composed of large and reputable companies, ranging from SMEs to multinational and government organisations. You will work in a young company with enthusiastic colleagues. Together, we will always aim for the best results!

Feeling excited? Then apply online straight away via the application button or e-mail your CV and motivational letter to Roos Meij at r.meij@youngcapital.nl.




VacatureID: 189255819
Gemaakt op: 2018-03-26 04:46:48
Reverentie: 585229

Siriusdreef 12
2132WT Hoofddorp
(+31) 020 – 44 63 378

Over YoungCapital

YoungCapital helpt jongeren hun potentieel te ontdekken en te ontwikkelen. Want jong talent is het groeikapitaal dat elk bedrijf nodig heeft. Met hun frisse kijk en eindeloze energie kunnen ze de wereld veroveren. Als digital natives hebben ze nieuwe ideeën over werken. Ze zijn ambitieus, creatief, flexibel en connected. Ze jagen vernieuwing aan bij organisaties. Bij YoungCapital doen we er alles aan om het beste naar boven te brengen bij jongeren en bedrijven, zodat ze elkaar blijven stimuleren tot groei. Wij zijn connected @ heart en made of energy. Dat voel je als je bij ons binnenstapt. Oh, en we hebben plezier in wat we doen. Dat maakt het verschil.